The perfect turbine for your requirements

We advise you on the selection of a suitable turbine, specifically for the requirements and project specific demands of your power plant.
We take all relevant parameters into account and combine theoretical know-how with our practical experience.

For a first rough dimensioning we have created a turbine calculator for you. Simply enter the flow rate (Q) and head (H) in the boxes provided and their potential (P) will be calculated automatically. The small red dot shows in which turbine type would be suitable for your hydropower plant.



  • Pink: Pelton turbines
  • Orange: Overlapping area – Francis and Pelton turbines
  • Yellow: Francis turbines
  • Green: Overlapping area – Kaplan and Francis turbines
  • Blue: Kaplan turbines

However, this calculator is not a substitute for a consultation with an expert. We are at your disposal for detailed advice.

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